1. Your friends mercilessly mock you for not learning to drive at 17
2. You had to cancel your lesson for being hungover… AGAIN
3. You spend your summer holiday learning, and then a year passes and you’re awful again
4. Your instructor will try and make polite chit chat about your degree when really you wish they’d tell you how to turn the wipers off
5. You see everyone you know and will inevitably see a Facebook post with your hands in the 2 and 10 position
6. You come back from your lesson and talk to your friends how pleased you are for only stalling twice, and then they laugh in your face, forgetting the hours they spent mastering the clutch
7. Having to turn down a night out to save money for your next lesson will leave you with mega FOMO
8. You struggle through the highway code to pass your theory test, only to find all of your driving uni friends don’t know what half of it means – is this really necessary?!
9. When you fail the first time you basically feel like giving up…
10. But when you finally pass you feel like you’re now part of the elite drivers club… Where’s the next road trip headed?