Privacy Policy


The CampbellProperty Privacy Policy sets out the ways that CampbellProperty processes personal data. This Privacy Policy only relates to personal data collected by CampbellProperty via the CampbellProperty website, registration forms, emails and telephone calls. Any personal data collected by CampbellProperty is used in accordance with UK data protection legislation.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to personal data provided to CampbellProperty by any other means or via any other website. Users should be aware that if they access other websites, using the links provided, these are outside our control. If they provide personal data to other companies, the privacy polices of those companies determine the uses to which that information is put and CampbellProperty's Privacy Policy will no longer apply.

The Data Protection Act 1998

The CampbellProperty website complies with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Use Made of Personal Information

Personal information provided to CampbellProperty via the CampbellProperty website, registration forms, emails and telephone calls will be used for the purposes outlined at the time of collection or registration.

In addition, personal information may be used for statistical analysis.

Personal data will be collected and processed by CampbellProperty for the following purposes (1) to provide goods and services requested, (2) administration and (3) marketing, advertising and promotions.

Processing personal data for the above purposes may entail sharing the information with landlords, employees, contractors, utility suppliers, agents and professional advisors of CampbellProperty. However, written agreements exist between CampbellProperty and such parties that there must be no further disclosure of such personal data.

Certain personal information (your full name and address) may be shared with co-tenants and/or their guarantors if a group tenancy agreement is proposed and/or entered into.


By providing personal data to the CampbellProperty users consent to the processing of such data by CampbellProperty as described in this Privacy Policy. Users can alter their preferences as described below.

Use of Data For Direct Marketing Purposes

At each point of data collection or registration, users are given the appropriate means to opt-out of receiving future direct marketing material from CampbellProperty. Where users do not opt-out of such communications, CampbellProperty may provide information on CampbellProperty products, services, events, and occasionally those of third-party partners according to the user preferences indicated on the online preference pages. If at any time users want to alter their preferences or for CampbellProperty to stop sending such communications they should visit their online marketing preference pages or write to:

The Database Manager
Campbell Property (UK) Ltd
Bromley Barn Elkstone Studios

GL53 9PQ
United Kingdom

Disclosure of Data to Third Parties

At each point of data collection or registration users are given the appropriate means to opt-out of having their personal data passed on to selected third parties. CampbellProperty will not pass email addresses on to third parties for marketing purposes. If users do not opt-out, CampbellProperty may, in limited circumstances, share such data with carefully selected third parties who may contact users (other than via email) regarding events, products, services that may be of interest to them. If at any stage users want to alter their preferences or CampbellProperty to stop using their personal data in this way they should visit their online preference pages or write to:

The Database Manager
Campbell Property (UK) Ltd
Bromley Barn Elkstone Studios

GL53 9PQ
United Kingdom

Verifying, updating and amending your personal information

If, at any time, a user wants to verify, update or amend their personal data they may visit their online preference pages. Alternatively, they may write to:

The Database Manager
Campbell Property (UK) Ltd
Bromley Barn Elkstone Studios

GL53 9PQ
United Kingdom

Verification, updating or amendment of personal data takes place immediately upon receipt of the request if made online and 10 working days if made offline.


A "cookie" is a small text file that is placed on a user's computer hard drive by a website. There are several types of cookie and the most common are often referred to as 'session' cookies. These are used to keep track of information needed by a user as they travel from page to page within a website. These cookies have a short lifetime and expire within a few minutes of the user leaving the site.

Other types of cookies can be used to track internet activity after the user has left a website. These are usually sponsored by organisations external to the website being visited and are generally known as 'third party' cookies. These usually have a long lifetime with several months being quite common. They are 'harvested' and 'refreshed' whenever the user visits a page where the same or a similar cookie is being used.

CampbellProperty uses benign, short lived 'session' cookies to tell whether a website user has logged, in, where to find details that can be used to pre-fill parts of on-line forms and to personalise the user's visit to the website. They are also used to track anonymously which areas of the site are popular and which are not used, this allows us to target carefully our website resources.

CampbellProperty also uses cookies in its email communications to personalise the email and track whether the mail has been opened or read and whether the recipient has used any website links contained in the email communication. This allows us to monitor and improve our email communications and website.

CampbellProperty cookies do not analyse visits to other website or any searches undertaken whilst on the CampbellProperty website.

Internet browsers normally accept cookies by default; however, it is possible to set a browser to reject cookies. If this is done it is important not to exclude the benign and useful session cookies. Choose an option that rejects all third party and long lived cookies.

Links to Third Party Websites

This Privacy Policy applies solely to the personal data collected by CampbellProperty and does not apply to third party websites.

CampbellProperty is not responsible for the privacy policies of third party websites. CampbellProperty advises users to read the privacy policies of other websites before registering any personal data.


CampbellProperty holds your personal data in accordance with the security provisions of the UK data protection legislation.

If you have any questions about security please contact CampbellProperty on 0844 880 2222.

Notification of Changes

If CampbellProperty decides to change its Privacy Policy, it will post such changes on this page so that you are always aware of how CampbellProperty uses your personal data.

Users have the right to ask CampbellProperty, in writing, for a copy of all the personal data held about them upon payment of a fee ("subject access request") and to request that CampbellProperty correct any inaccuracies in that information.

Campbell Property


When an issue is raised with Campbell Property but the customer feels that it has not been adequately addressed, the affected person(s) may file a formal complaint in accordance with the procedure outlined below.


  1. Submission of Complaint: Customers should submit a request to raise a formal complaint using the ‘Send a Message’ function on the customer portal.

  2. Access to Complaints Page: Campbell Property will send a link to the complaints page upon receiving the initial request.

  3. Written Submission: Complaints must be submitted in writing within 3 months of the complainant becoming aware of the issue.

  4. Record Keeping: Campbell Property will record all complaints upon receipt.

  5. Representation: Campbell Property will engage with any adequately appointed representative of the complainant.

  6. Acknowledgement and Investigation:

    • Formal complaints will be acknowledged within 2 working days whenever practicable.

    • A thorough investigation will be conducted promptly.

  7. Review and Response:

    • A senior staff member will review the complaint and respond.

    • The formal written outcome of the investigation will be sent to the complainant by the Customer Services Team within 21 working days of receiving the complaint or 21 working days from resolving the issue, whichever is later.

  8. Appeals Process:

    • If dissatisfied with the decision, the complainant may appeal if new information is available.

    • Appeals must be submitted via the customer portal within 5 working days of the original decision.

    • The appeal will be reviewed by a member of staff not involved in the original complaint.

    • The Customer Services Team will issue a final decision within 15 working days of receiving the appeal.

    • The final decision will include information on escalating the complaint to the Property Redress Scheme if still dissatisfied.

  9. Further Referral:

    • Any further referral to the Property Redress Scheme must be made within 6 months of the final decision.

    • More information on the Property Redress Scheme is available at

National Codes Accreditation

The following developments are accredited by the UNIPOL National Code.  Unless otherwise stated, other properties are not included in the accreditation at this time.  If you would like further information or guidance on this, please see the document here.

Developments Included

For more information on the National Codes Accreditation, you may also see here. To make a complaint to the National Code, please click here.

Business details

Campbell Property (UK) Ltd, Registered Office: 1 Maypool ParkBrixhamDevonTQ5 0BJ. Registered in England, No: 4815160, VAT No: 850 6588 05.

Health and Safety - General Statement

Find our Health & Safety Statement here. 

Equality and Diversity Policy

Date of Issue 

March 2017


The Company is unreservedly opposed to any form of discrimination and seeks to ensure equal opportunities in all matters. 

The Company recognises the importance of promoting and developing equal opportunities within the workplace to enable all employees to have the opportunity to realise their full potential.  Therefore, it is the policy of the Company to treat job applicants and employees in the same way, regardless of their Age, Sex, Race, Disability, Pregnancy, Marital Status, Sexual Orientation, GenderReassignment, or Religious Background.  TheCompany is committed both to promote good employment practice and ensuring an environment free from unlawful discrimination or harassment.  The Company also applies this principle to its potential, existing and former Tenants and Guarantors and Client Landlords.

No person or group of persons applying for accommodation will be treated less favourably than any other person or group of persons on the basis of any discriminatory grounds. 

The principles of Equality and Diversity are embodied in the following:

The Equality Act 2010


This Policy applies to all staff and to external applicants seeking employment with the Company, as well as potential, existing and former Tenants and their Guarantors and Client Landlords.

This Policy and Procedures document should be read in conjunction with other existing Policies, including Harassment, Discipline and Grievance, Formal Complaints.

Terminology and Abbreviations

Human Resources (HR)

Policy Statement

Every manager and employee has a responsibility for the implementation of this Policy and this Policy extends to all employment-related activities, which include, but are not limited to:

As a worker, you have a right to:

This Policy also applies to the treatment of customers/clients and any individual encountered by employees whilst acting on behalf of the Company.

Management of Equality & Diversity

The overall responsibility for the management and implementation of equal opportunities practices lies with the company Directors generally, but principally with the Manager of HumanResources.

Responsibility and Reporting Procedure

Every employee has a responsibility for the lawful implementation of this Policy. Any employee who subjects any other employee or external party to a detriment under this Policy may be subject to the Company’s Disciplinary Procedure. It should be noted that discriminatory action may be deemed to constitute gross misconduct and may, subject to a full investigation and the absence of mitigating circumstances, result in summary dismissal.

Any employee or another party who believes that they have been subjected to such a detriment may use the Harassment Policy and Procedure or Complaints Procedure, as appropriate, in order to complain about discriminatory conduct. It should also be noted that the Company reserves the right to initiate disciplinary action against employees, who, in the opinion of the Company, submit complaints that are whole without foundation or are made with malicious intent.

Employees should be aware that the setting for such wrongful acts (e.g. sexual or racial or any other type of harassment)may extend to social gatherings outwith the immediate workplace, if the social event is connected with work. With this in mind, it is stressed that the company will not tolerate breaches of this Equality & Diversity Policy and that the Harassment Policy continues to apply on such occasions.  Examples of what may constitute harassment are provided within the Harassment Policy document.  This also applies in the course of Tenancy Applications and Tenancy Management.

It is also strictly prohibited to discriminate or retaliate against an employee or other party who has filed a charge, testified, assisted or participated, in any manner, in an investigation, proceeding or hearing.


This Policy is designed to draw attention to the Company's commitment to adopting positive employment and operational practices and endorsing the principles of equal opportunities, whilst signalling that discriminatory conduct will not be tolerated.

Review of the Policy

The Company will undertake to carry out a regular review of the Policy and take specific action to make any changes necessary.


This Policy does not form any part of an employee's contract of employment and the Company reserves the right to amend,suspend or withdraw this Policy at any time, without notice. 

Direction of Queries

Any additional item relating to the Policy and Procedures not expressly covered in this document should be referred, in writing, to HR in the first instance.

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